Unleash One UI’s Hidden Power: Craft personalized app shortcuts

One UI 6.1.1
One UI 6.1.1

Top 3 Key Points:

  • Effortless Efficiency: One UI’s hidden app shortcut menu grants instant access to specific app functions, streamlining your workflow.
  • Customized Experience: Create home screen shortcuts for frequently used functions, transforming how you interact with apps.
  • Simplify Your Day: Access features like “Update apps” or specific YouTube tabs directly, bypassing unnecessary menus and pop-ups.

Samsung’s One UI boasts a powerful, yet discreet, feature – a hidden app shortcut menu. Accessible through a simple tap-and-hold on an app icon, this menu unlocks a treasure trove of efficiency. Forget navigating through multiple app layers; this feature grants you direct access to specific functionalities within your favorite applications.

Imagine wanting to jump straight into capturing a selfie. With One UI, you can create a custom shortcut bypassing the standard Camera app launch and opening directly in selfie mode. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

Unlocking a Streamlined Experience

One UI’s magic extends beyond the camera. Let’s consider the ever-present YouTube “Home” tab. It might not always be your preferred starting point. With this feature, you can craft a shortcut that launches YouTube directly on the “Subscriptions” tab, ensuring you’re greeted by your favorite channels from the get-go. The same applies to the ever-growing world of “Shorts.” A dedicated shortcut can have you immersed in bite-sized entertainment instantly.

The benefits extend beyond entertainment. Streamline your app management by creating quick access icons for the Galaxy Store and Play Store’s “Update apps” and “My apps” features. No more battling intrusive pop-ups or navigating through menus – a simple tap on your custom shortcut delivers the information you need.

Crafting Your Oasis

Creating these time-saving shortcuts is delightfully simple. Just tap and hold an app icon to reveal the hidden menu. From there, locate the desired function, tap and hold it again, and drag it to your home screen or a folder. Voilà! Your personalized shortcut is ready for action.

Here are some inspiring shortcut ideas to get you started:

  • Subscriptions tab – YouTube
  • Start stopwatch – Clock
  • Enter meal – Samsung Health
  • Payment card – Samsung Wallet
  • Favorites – Gallery
  • Take a selfie – Camera
  • My apps – Play Store
  • Update apps – Galaxy Store
  • Exploring the Hidden Potential

It’s important to note that this feature isn’t universally available. Some apps might not have a hidden shortcut menu, while others might surprise you with a treasure trove of hidden functionalities. The beauty lies in the discovery – a simple tap and hold can unlock a world of personalized efficiency.

Remember, this power isn’t limited to Samsung apps. Explore the hidden potential of apps from Google, third-party developers, and more. You might be surprised by the shortcuts waiting to be discovered. So, unleash the power of One UI’s hidden gem and craft a mobile experience that perfectly suits your needs.

Blight is an aspiring Samsung enthusiast and technology aficionado, dedicated to exploring the extraordinary realms facilitated by cutting-edge innovations. He is passionate about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its potential to transform industries, enhance human experiences, and shape a better future. Fascinated by the delicate beauty and he is captivating essence of flowers, finding solace in their presence. He is constantly seeking knowledge and growth, eager to connect with like-minded individuals and build meaningful relationships.
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