Samsung will introduce 3rd One UI 5.0 beta next week

Samsung One UI 5.0 Themed Icons

Some forgot to mention a “beta” with the latest Android 13-based One UI 5.0 software and compared something that normal users never do, only to criticize Samsung. We are seeing a negative environment for Samsung’s software development only for “speed of animation”.

Well, wait, Samsung is reportedly releasing the third beta build of One UI 5.0 for the Galaxy S22 series of devices, Hopefully, the third One UI 5.0 beta update will fix the bug that is causing problems with animations and let people criticize Samsung because no one cares.

Stay tuned via SFCNation Telegram

The first One UI 5.0 beta update was rolled out for the Galaxy S22 series devices early last month, while the second beta update was released on the 25th. It took about 20 days for Samsung to release a new beta build, which is no longer happening, as the third beta is reportedly arriving next week.

A Samsung member beta notice shared by a user suggests that the new beta participants will get One UI 13 based on Android 5.0 next week. Samsung brought a number of new features with the initial build, while the second beta reduced the completeness of the animations.

Hence, we are expecting better animations with the third One UI 5.0 beta update for the Galaxy S22 series. Since the Galaxy S21 recently joined the party with the One UI 5.0 beta, the company may also provide a second beta update to consumers of last year’s flagships.

Do you open and close an app per second to test the speed of animations? Tell those who spread hatred through social media.

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