Samsung reimagines Bixby with AI makeover

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Samsung is going to provide a major update to provide voice assist solution “Bixby”. The organization wants to build generative AI, a robust technology that can mimic thinking and reasoning skills and even generate text, images or videos. The final step is to update Bixby to make it as engaging and efficient as possible with smart devices across all Samsung platforms, from smartphones to smart devices.

In other words. 2017 was the year Bixby came out, at that time it was quite useless and was only used for recommendations and translations. Still, the first voice assistants were unknown to the user and questions had to be carefully set and framed in precise words. Generative AI, the most prominent example of which is ChatGPT and its clones, has also broken this barrier. Now users can freely talk to the device as if it were a companion, striking up a conversation with interesting ideas or information.

Samsung sees Bixby as a hub for managing its wired ecosystem of smart home devices. The combination of Generative AI gives us Bixby’s ability to understand the most complex requests and respond to them in a very natural way so that it feels like a normal human conversation with another person. For example, using Bixby you can easily ask for a grocery list for your next recipe or you can ask for a poem for your friend who loves hiking.

This upgrade is not only to keep up, but also to encourage Samsung to take the lead in AI integration. A new AI feature has been introduced in the Galaxy S23 phone recently launched by the company, which allows the user to browse the internet easily without switching apps. With this strong focus on innovating the way users interact with technology, companies aim to develop AI experiences that are both intuitive and powerful.

While Samsung is keeping the exact release date for the Generative AI upgrade a secret, the feature will be available on AI upgraded models. Still, the industry is reeling with announcements across the board. For example, the media is also full of Apple’s much-anticipated AI plans. So, it seems like Samsung has set a benchmark for voice assistant technology. This environment will pave the way for a revolution by which we will be connected to our devices, no longer seen as mere tools, but as partner intelligence.

Blight is an aspiring Samsung enthusiast and technology aficionado, dedicated to exploring the extraordinary realms facilitated by cutting-edge innovations. He is passionate about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its potential to transform industries, enhance human experiences, and shape a better future. Fascinated by the delicate beauty and he is captivating essence of flowers, finding solace in their presence. He is constantly seeking knowledge and growth, eager to connect with like-minded individuals and build meaningful relationships.
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