Samsung Electronics is going to take part in business strategy meeting

Samsung Data breach

Samsung Electronics is the World-leading semiconductor manufacturing companies are going to hold multiple business strategy meetings looking at the present business environment and addressing all the issues that can create hindrances in their ways.

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The company is facing various external difficulties, including high inflation, high exchange rate, a high-interest rate, and low growth.

Samsung Electronics is going to hold the business strategy meeting for the DX division together with IT/Mobile and consumer electronics from June 21 to June 23, 2022, and with the DS division of semiconductors from June 27 to June 29, 2022.

Samsung Electronics is going to take part in a business strategy meeting after a long interval of two years. Samsung Executives from all over the world are going to take part online and in person.

It is going to check all the local and international business situations and the inflation that is creating difficulties in maintaining the supply chain. Samsung has an agenda to clear all the factors to all of its executives.

The points which are to be discussed are expected to touch on the overall management environment and market conditions. The rising transportation cost is a subject of major concern as the trucker are already on a strike for more than a week demanding a minimum pay guarantee.

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