Google to leverage TSMC’s 3nm for next-gen Tensor Chip

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Key Points:

  • Google Pixel smartphones to adopt TSMC’s cutting-edge 3nm process for the upcoming Tensor G5 chip.
  • This signifies a shift from Samsung’s foundry, potentially leading to significant performance and efficiency improvements.
  • The move comes as Samsung faces yield and power efficiency challenges with its 3nm process.

After years of collaboration with Samsung, Google is poised for a significant change in its Pixel smartphone strategy. According to recent reports, Google is set to leverage Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company’s (TSMC) industry-leading 3nm process for the next iteration of its custom Tensor chip, dubbed Tensor G5. This move signifies a potential turning point for Pixel devices, promising substantial performance and power efficiency advancements.

Previously, Google relied on Samsung’s foundry capabilities to produce its Tensor chips. This initial partnership, in part, leveraged Samsung’s Exynos platform as a foundation for the Tensor line. However, as Google prepares for the momentous 10th generation of Pixel smartphones, the company is seeking a more robust and cutting-edge manufacturing solution.

The news of Google’s partnership with TSMC for the Tensor G5 chip builds upon earlier reports from July 2023. These initial reports indicated Google’s intent to develop a fully custom Tensor chip specifically designed for Pixel devices. This shift towards a bespoke chip design signifies Google’s growing commitment to in-house innovation and Pixel’s long-term evolution.

The recent report by Business Korea sheds further light on Google’s strategic decision. The report highlights TSMC’s 3nm process as the driving force behind the partnership. This cutting-edge technology has already been adopted by industry giants like Apple in their iPhone 15 Pro lineup. Similarly, major chip designers like Qualcomm and MediaTek are expected to embrace the 3nm process for their upcoming generations. Google’s decision to switch from Samsung’s current 4nm process to TSMC’s 3nm by late 2025 reflects the inherent performance and efficiency gains associated with the newer technology.

Furthermore, the report delves into the challenges faced by Samsung with its own 3nm process. Samsung is reportedly struggling with yield issues and power efficiency limitations, potentially hindering the performance of the upcoming Exynos 2500 chip. Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo suggests that these issues might force Samsung to revert to a Snapdragon-only approach for their Galaxy S25 series in 2025.

In conclusion, Google’s strategic shift towards TSMC’s 3nm process for the Tensor G5 chip signifies a pivotal moment for Pixel smartphones. This move promises significant advancements in performance and power efficiency, potentially propelling Pixel devices to a new level of competitiveness in the premium smartphone market. As Samsung grapples with its own 3nm process limitations, Google’s partnership with TSMC positions Pixel for a future of cutting-edge technology and potentially groundbreaking user experiences.

Blight is an aspiring Samsung enthusiast and technology aficionado, dedicated to exploring the extraordinary realms facilitated by cutting-edge innovations. He is passionate about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its potential to transform industries, enhance human experiences, and shape a better future. Fascinated by the delicate beauty and he is captivating essence of flowers, finding solace in their presence. He is constantly seeking knowledge and growth, eager to connect with like-minded individuals and build meaningful relationships.
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