Google Sheets speeds up calculations in Chrome and Edge

Key Points:

  • Twice as Fast: Google Sheets calculations are now significantly faster, impacting everything from simple SUM functions to complex queries.
  • No Size Limits: This speed boost applies to spreadsheets of all sizes, ensuring smooth performance regardless of data volume.
  • Web Tech Breakthrough: WasmGC, a new web technology, replaces JavaScript for faster code execution behind the scenes.

Google Sheets, the web-based spreadsheet champion, just received a major performance upgrade. Calculations within Sheets, performed in both Chrome and Edge browsers, are now twice as fast. This improvement applies to a wide range of functions, from basic SUM formulas to intricate data analysis queries.

The speed boost extends to spreadsheets of all sizes, ensuring that even the most data-heavy workbooks handle calculations with impressive responsiveness. This is a significant leap forward, particularly for users who frequently manage large datasets within Sheets.

Under the hood, Google Sheets leverages a cutting-edge web technology called WasmGC. This innovative approach replaces JavaScript with WasmGC for faster code execution. As an extension of the existing WebAssembly standard, WasmGC is specifically designed to accelerate performance for garbage-collected languages, which are commonly used in web applications.

This technology holds immense potential, similar to how WebAssembly revolutionized the web presence of C++ applications like Photoshop and Google Earth. In Google’s view, WasmGC’s impact could even surpass that of WebAssembly due to the widespread adoption of garbage-collected languages.

Currently, these speed enhancements are available in Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. Google plans to extend support to non-Chromium browsers like Safari and Firefox shortly. The update is already rolled out and accessible to all Workspace and personal users.

Looking ahead, Google is actively working to further optimize Sheets. Their efforts include reducing initial load times, improving copy/paste functionality, and enhancing filter performance. These advancements build upon previous improvements that introduced smooth scrolling and expanded cell limits, solidifying Google Sheets’ position as a powerful and user-friendly spreadsheet solution.

Blight is an aspiring Samsung enthusiast and technology aficionado, dedicated to exploring the extraordinary realms facilitated by cutting-edge innovations. He is passionate about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its potential to transform industries, enhance human experiences, and shape a better future. Fascinated by the delicate beauty and he is captivating essence of flowers, finding solace in their presence. He is constantly seeking knowledge and growth, eager to connect with like-minded individuals and build meaningful relationships.
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