Best 4 Galaxy Z Flip 4 Tips and Tricks You Should Try

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4

There are many tips and tricks that can be applied after buying a new Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4, but most people are not aware of these changes. So they use the phone the way most people do, meanwhile, if you use these tips and tricks, you can use the Galaxy Z Flip 4 like a pro.

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Seamless system

If you own a Samsung tablet or watch, you can create a seamless system. Then, by setting up a seamless system, you can use it to call and text on any other device.

These options can be found under Settings, then under Advanced Settings, however, keep in mind that in order to do this, all of your devices must be signed in using the same Samsung credentials.


As you know, to take a screenshot we have to press the button. Samsung offers an alternative. To take a screenshot with your Galaxy Z Flip 4 simply move your palm from right to left on the screen. To activate this feature simply toggle the switch labeled “Palm Swipe to Capture” in your settings.

Gesture tip

You can slide the notification panel of the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 just by swiping down on the fingerprint sensor, did you know? All you need is a fingerprint sensor to accomplish this.

To enable it to select Motion & Gestures from the list under Settings > Advanced settings. After that tap on the Finger sensor motion to switch on. You can also swipe up to get to the quick settings.

Contact tip

The Z Flip 4 can now be used to make calls without even opening it. Simply add a few contacts to the cover screen of your phone and start calling right away.

Simply navigate to the cover screen settings, touch Direct Dial, then select the contacts you want to add to your contact book to use this feature. With this feature, the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 can now make calls faster than before without even opening it.

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