
Samsung rides AI wave: Q2 profit soars 15x on chip sales boom

Key Points:

  • Samsung’s Q2 2024 operating profit surged a staggering 15x year-on-year, exceeding market expectations.
  • The surge is primarily attributed to strong sales of memory chips, particularly those crucial for AI applications.
  • Despite the positive results, challenges remain, including competition in HBM chips and a looming worker strike.

A Resurgence Fueled by AI

After a challenging period, Samsung has experienced a remarkable turnaround in Q2 2024. The South Korean tech giant estimates a 15-fold increase in operating profit compared to the same quarter last year, exceeding market expectations. This impressive feat is largely driven by a surge in sales of semiconductor chips, particularly those catering to the booming field of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Samsung’s estimated Q2 2024 revenue sits at around KRW 74 trillion ($53.64 billion), with an operating profit of approximately KRW 10.4 trillion ($7.53 billion). This translates to a significant 1,542.24% increase in profit year-on-year. The driving force behind this remarkable growth lies in the rising demand and prices of memory chips, specifically those critical for AI accelerators like bandwidth memory (HBM).

The exponential growth of AI has fueled the need for advanced processing power. AI is now ubiquitous, powering various online services, laptops, smartphones, and even TVs. This has created a significant demand for memory chips like HBM, which Samsung is well-positioned to capitalize on.

Challenges and Uncertainties

Despite the positive outlook, Samsung faces some hurdles. The company trails behind its competitor, SK Hynix, in the HBM market. Notably, Samsung’s HBM chips haven’t yet received certification from Nvidia, the leading producer of AI chips. This raises concerns about Samsung’s future competitiveness in this crucial segment. Additionally, the company recently underwent a leadership change in its semiconductor division, highlighting the challenges they aim to overcome in the chip market.

Furthermore, Samsung is grappling with a potential three-day strike by its unionized workforce due to a pay dispute. Over 28,000 workers are expected to walk out starting Monday, marking a first in the company’s 55-year history. This could disrupt production and impact future earnings.

Samsung’s smartphone market share has also been declining in recent years, with Apple and Chinese manufacturers steadily capturing a larger portion. While the recently launched Galaxy S24 series has garnered positive reviews, the performance of their upcoming foldable phones and wearables, to be unveiled in Paris on July 10th, remains uncertain.


Samsung’s Q2 2024 results showcase a remarkable turnaround, fueled by the surging demand for memory chips in the AI sector. However, the company faces challenges, including competition in HBM chips, potential labor disruptions, and a saturated smartphone market. The upcoming foldable phone and wearable launches will be crucial in determining Samsung’s continued success in the competitive tech landscape.

Blight Mojave
Blight is an aspiring Samsung enthusiast and technology aficionado, dedicated to exploring the extraordinary realms facilitated by cutting-edge innovations. He is passionate about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its potential to transform industries, enhance human experiences, and shape a better future. Fascinated by the delicate beauty and he is captivating essence of flowers, finding solace in their presence. He is constantly seeking knowledge and growth, eager to connect with like-minded individuals and build meaningful relationships.