Samsung QLED TV business challenges patent conflict with Nanoco

According to new information, Samsung is fighting a court battle with the UK’s Nanoco Technologies Limited in the United States and the company could have to pay a great amount of royalty to sell TVs on its patented QLED technology if it losses the patent dispute.

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As per the United Patents research firm, U.S Patent Trial and Appeal Board has taken the decision in favor of Nanoco in the patent invalidation trial that was raised by Samsung Electronics against the UK-based company.

Further, Nanoco claimed that Samsung Electronics has copied five quantum-dot patents in an unauthorized way, and produced the QLED TVs with the proprietary QD technologies.

Earlier, in 2010 the two companies came together to develop the Liquid Crystal Display module material, and Nanoco provided Samsung with quantum dot samples. Further the company has filed a patent invalidation trial but the PTAB on May 17 took the decision in favor of Nanoco in all the 47 appealed cases.

Again on May 27, Samsung filed another appeal, but now the news is circulated that the hearing could take place in the fourth quarter of 2022. Industry insiders say Nanoco is ready for the court settlement. However, Samsung Electronics has not given any of its remarks on the ongoing case.
