Samsung acquires key patents for FMM-Free OLED technology


Top 3 Key Points:

  • Samsung Display purchases 5 US patents related to non-FMM RGB OLED technology from Orthogonal.
  • Non-FMM OLED is a promising technology for the future mid-sized OLED market but not yet commercialized.
  • Samsung’s move likely aims to secure its position against potential competitors in the emerging market.

This article dives into Samsung Display’s recent acquisition of five US patents from Orthogonal, a critical step in the development of FMM-free (Fine Metal Mask) organic light-emitting diode (OLED) technology. While non-FMM RGB OLED holds promise for the future mid-sized OLED market, it remains uncommercialized. Samsung’s strategic purchase positions them favorably against potential competitors in this nascent technology space.

The patents acquired by Samsung Display encompass “Photolithographic Patterning of Organic Electronic Devices” (four patents) and “Color OLED Display with a Larger Aperture Ratio.” These patents hold significant weight, potentially serving as the foundation for future advancements or acting as defensive measures against patent disputes in the event the FMM-free OLED market flourishes.

Industry experts suggest several motivations behind Samsung’s acquisition. The patents could be directly utilized in Samsung’s OLED development, employed defensively to thwart potential competitors’ claims, or even used offensively to challenge competitor patents. Additionally, the possibility exists that the acquired patents are improvements upon earlier inventions (Gilmok patents) or serve as foundational technology for Samsung’s ongoing OLED research.

Samsung’s move comes amidst developments from Visionox, another major player in the OLED market. Visionox has established a pilot line for their non-FMM RGB OLED technology (ViP) but currently faces significant production yield challenges. Despite these hurdles, Visionox is reportedly considering implementing ViP technology in their 8th generation OLED line. While details regarding the specific technology and timeline remain undisclosed, it’s evident that Visionox hasn’t abandoned the idea of using ViP in their next-generation production line.

In conclusion, Samsung Display’s acquisition of these FMM-free OLED patents signifies their strategic intent to stay ahead of the curve in this promising yet unproven technology. With both Samsung and Visionox actively pursuing advancements, the future of FMM-free OLED and its potential impact on the mid-sized OLED market remains an exciting prospect to watch.

Blight is an aspiring Samsung enthusiast and technology aficionado, dedicated to exploring the extraordinary realms facilitated by cutting-edge innovations. He is passionate about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its potential to transform industries, enhance human experiences, and shape a better future. Fascinated by the delicate beauty and he is captivating essence of flowers, finding solace in their presence. He is constantly seeking knowledge and growth, eager to connect with like-minded individuals and build meaningful relationships.
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