Google Search reverts to pagination, Find My Device network gets enhancements

Google home tweaks

In Short:

  • Google Search is ditching continuous scrolling and returning to a classic pagination system with “Next” buttons.
  • Find My Device network improvements are coming to address user concerns about tracking stability.
  • Google is prepping AR support for locating UWB-compatible trackers in the future.

Google is making some key changes to its search and tracking functionalities. Here’s a breakdown of what you need to know:

1. Farewell Continuous Scrolling, Hello Pagination:

Remember the seemingly endless stream of search results you’d encounter on Google? That’s a thing of the past. Google is reverting to the familiar pagination system, where you’ll see a set number of results (around 10) with a “Next” button to navigate further. This change applies to both desktop (implemented today) and mobile search (coming soon). Google cites faster loading times and user preference for a more controlled browsing experience as reasons for this shift.

2. Find My Device Network Gets a Boost:

While Google’s Find My Device network is still under development, improvements are on the horizon. Recent tests revealed shortcomings in network stability, particularly with Bluetooth-based trackers. Google acknowledges these issues and confirms they’re actively working on enhancements that will improve “speed and ability” to locate lost items. Their focus seems to be on network stability, especially in areas with lower traffic. Additionally, Google encourages users to enable the “with network in all areas” setting within the app for better tracking performance.

3. The Future of Tracking: Augmented Reality on the Horizon

While not explicitly confirmed in their statement, Google’s wording regarding upcoming improvements hints at the potential integration of augmented reality (AR) for locating UWB-compatible trackers. This aligns with the recent announcement of the first UWB-compatible tracker for the Find My Device network by Motorola. UWB technology excels at pinpoint location accuracy, potentially offering a significant leap in tracking capabilities. However, Google hasn’t provided a specific timeline for when these AR features might become available.

These changes highlight Google’s dedication to refining its search and tracking experiences. While continuous scrolling might be missed by some, the focus on speed and user control seems to be the driving force behind the pagination shift. The Find My Device network improvements are a welcome response to user feedback, and the potential for AR integration in the future paints an exciting picture for even more precise tracking capabilities.

Blight is an aspiring Samsung enthusiast and technology aficionado, dedicated to exploring the extraordinary realms facilitated by cutting-edge innovations. He is passionate about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its potential to transform industries, enhance human experiences, and shape a better future. Fascinated by the delicate beauty and he is captivating essence of flowers, finding solace in their presence. He is constantly seeking knowledge and growth, eager to connect with like-minded individuals and build meaningful relationships.
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