Google Keep
Google Keep

Google Keep now supports side-by-side notes from different accounts

Key Points:

  • Effortless Organization: View and manage notes from separate Google accounts simultaneously on Android tablets and foldables.
  • Enhanced Productivity: Streamline workflows by referencing work and personal notes side-by-side, fostering efficient information access.
  • Broad Availability: This feature benefits all Google Workspace users (including individual subscribers) and those with personal accounts.

Gone are the days of constantly switching between accounts in Google Keep! In a recent update, Google has introduced a powerful new functionality specifically designed for Android tablets and foldable devices. This innovative feature allows users to seamlessly manage notes from two distinct Google accounts within the Keep app, displayed side-by-side in a split-screen view.

Imagine this: you’re jotting down brainstorming ideas for a work project on your tablet. Suddenly, you need to reference a personal grocery list you created earlier. Previously, you would have had to navigate out of your work account, switch to your account, locate the list, and then return to your work notes. This cumbersome process could disrupt your train of thought and hinder productivity.

With Google Keep’s groundbreaking side-by-side account viewing, such inefficiencies are a thing of the past. Now, you can effortlessly keep both your work notes and personal shopping list open simultaneously. This allows for a more fluid workflow, enabling you to quickly reference information across accounts without ever losing focus.

This update is a significant boon for anyone who utilizes Google Keep for both professional and personal tasks. Whether you’re a freelancer managing client projects alongside your personal to-do list, or a student juggling academic notes with extracurricular activities, this side-by-side functionality empowers you to stay organized and maximize productivity.

The rollout of this feature encompasses all Google Workspace customers, including individual subscribers, along with users with personal Google accounts. To ensure you have access to this enhanced functionality, simply update the Google Keep app to its latest version through the Google Play Store.

By embracing this innovative approach to note-taking, Google Keep has solidified its position as a versatile and user-friendly application, catering to the diverse needs of its ever-growing user base.

Blight Mojave
Blight is an aspiring Samsung enthusiast and technology aficionado, dedicated to exploring the extraordinary realms facilitated by cutting-edge innovations. He is passionate about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its potential to transform industries, enhance human experiences, and shape a better future. Fascinated by the delicate beauty and he is captivating essence of flowers, finding solace in their presence. He is constantly seeking knowledge and growth, eager to connect with like-minded individuals and build meaningful relationships.