Google Discover adds an easy way to view all your liked stories

Liking stories on Google Discover with the red heart is a beneficial functionality, which provides feedback on Discover suggestions and helps to show us relatively more results correlated to that topic. But finding our liked posts was not that easy, or we can say it was next to impossible.

Meanwhile, Google is now adding an easy way to view all your liked stories simply on Discover UI. You can view liked pages through You can even access it from the bottom bar of the Google app on Android or directly via that URL.

Once you type the URL, it will open a simple webpage called Interests with three top tabs. The existing Saved option shows Search and Discover articles you’ve bookmarked. While Followed is for “Searches you’re following” with the ability to get notifications.

Furthermore, the center-aligned Liked offers a grid of all articles and YouTube videos you’ve liked with the heart in Discover. Each card features the cover image, headline, and domain.

Google Discover liked stories


Blight Mojave
Blight is an aspiring Samsung enthusiast and technology aficionado, dedicated to exploring the extraordinary realms facilitated by cutting-edge innovations. He is passionate about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its potential to transform industries, enhance human experiences, and shape a better future. Fascinated by the delicate beauty and he is captivating essence of flowers, finding solace in their presence. He is constantly seeking knowledge and growth, eager to connect with like-minded individuals and build meaningful relationships.