Samsung Galaxy S24
Samsung Galaxy S24

Galaxy S24 Ultra Gets Bold: New color option arrives in India, chosen for Paris 2024 broadcast

Key points:

  • A Sunny Surprise: Samsung teases a new “Titanium Yellow” Galaxy S24 Ultra for the Indian market.
  • Ultra on the Seine: Over 200 Galaxy S24 Ultra units will be used to broadcast the Paris 2024 opening ceremony on a private 5G network.
  • Olympic Legacy Continues: Samsung’s partnership with the Olympics extends, providing technology for the games and potentially equipping athletes with its latest devices.

Samsung’s Galaxy S24 Ultra is about to get a vibrant refresh in India, with a brand new color variant on the horizon. Additionally, the phone takes center stage at a prestigious global event: the Paris 2024 Olympic Games!

The Galaxy S24 series, launched in January 2024, has been praised for its advanced features and stylish colors. Now, Samsung is stirring excitement in India with hints of a bold new addition: a “Titanium Yellow” Galaxy S24 Ultra. A recent social media post featuring a bright yellow sunflower fueled speculation, with the tagline “All set to welcome a fresh new look for something (already) epic.”

This exciting development comes alongside news of the Galaxy S24 Ultra’s involvement in a major global event. Samsung, a long-standing partner of the Olympic Games, is collaborating to broadcast the Paris 2024 opening ceremony using cutting-edge technology. Over 200 Galaxy S24 Ultra units will be mounted on boats traversing the Seine River, capturing the athlete parade on a private 5G network. This innovative approach, in collaboration with Orange, ensures a seamless and immersive broadcast experience.

Samsung’s Olympic legacy extends beyond broadcasting. The company has traditionally provided mobile devices to participating athletes, and with the Paris 2024 Games on the horizon, speculation swirls about what phone they’ll receive this year. While details remain under wraps, it could be a custom Galaxy S24 Ultra or even the highly anticipated foldable device rumored to launch soon.

With a new color variant captivating the Indian market and its selection for the Paris 2024 Games, the Galaxy S24 Ultra continues to be a frontrunner in the smartphone arena. Stay tuned for further details on the official launch date of the “Titanium Yellow” variant and the specific devices chosen for the Olympic athletes.

Blight Mojave
Blight is an aspiring Samsung enthusiast and technology aficionado, dedicated to exploring the extraordinary realms facilitated by cutting-edge innovations. He is passionate about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its potential to transform industries, enhance human experiences, and shape a better future. Fascinated by the delicate beauty and he is captivating essence of flowers, finding solace in their presence. He is constantly seeking knowledge and growth, eager to connect with like-minded individuals and build meaningful relationships.