Galaxy Watch Ultra
Galaxy Watch Ultra

Fast charging essential for Galaxy Watch 7 and Watch Ultra: use bundled charger

Top 3 Key Points:

  1. New Sensor, Slower Charging: The Galaxy Watch 7 and Watch Ultra require their bundled charger for fastest charging due to a redesigned health sensor.
  2. Old Chargers Work, But Slowly: Older Galaxy Watch chargers are compatible but charge slower and generate more heat.
  3. Improved Health Tracking: The new BioActive sensor enhances health monitoring but sacrifices compatibility with older chargers.

The Galaxy Watch 7 and Galaxy Watch Ultra feature a redesigned health sensor that enhances the accuracy and detail of health tracking. However, this new sensor design comes with a few compromises. Notably, Samsung had to remove support for reverse wireless charging—a feature present in previous models—due to the sensor’s new structure.

Additionally, the redesigned sensor means that these new watches cannot achieve maximum charging speeds when used with chargers from older Galaxy smartwatches. Although older chargers will still work, they do so at a slower pace.

To ensure optimal charging speed, it’s essential to use the charger that comes with the Galaxy Watch 7 or Watch Ultra. According to Samsung, the updated sensor and the shape of the back glass have increased the distance between the watch’s internal charging coil and the wireless charger. This change can result in slower charging and more heat generation when using older chargers.

In simpler terms, the upgraded BioActive sensor and its covering glass have a more curved shape, making the back of the watch less flat than earlier models. As a result, Samsung redesigned the Watch 7 and Watch Ultra chargers to have a curvier shape, ensuring better contact with the watch’s back.

While some users might be disappointed by these charging limitations, the trade-off is arguably worth it. The enhanced health and fitness tracking offered by the new BioActive sensor significantly improves the user experience, even if it means needing a specific charger for faster charging.


Blight Mojave
Blight is an aspiring Samsung enthusiast and technology aficionado, dedicated to exploring the extraordinary realms facilitated by cutting-edge innovations. He is passionate about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its potential to transform industries, enhance human experiences, and shape a better future. Fascinated by the delicate beauty and he is captivating essence of flowers, finding solace in their presence. He is constantly seeking knowledge and growth, eager to connect with like-minded individuals and build meaningful relationships.