
Bridging the language gap: Samsung’s European AI push

Key Points:

  • Samsung R&D Institute Poland (SRPOL) plays a pivotal role in enhancing European language processing for Galaxy AI.
  • SRPOL tackles challenges like dialect variations and untranslatable expressions through collaboration and a passionate research team.
  • Samsung aims to break down cultural and language barriers with continuous AI language development across Europe.

Samsung’s Galaxy AI, introduced with the Galaxy S24, heavily relies on robust natural language processing (NLP) for features like Chat Assist, Interpreter Mode, and Live Translate Call. To address this need, Samsung has revealed its collaborative efforts with European research teams, particularly Samsung R&D Institute Poland (SRPOL).

SRPOL: A Hub for European Language Expertise

SRPOL stands out as a cornerstone for European language support in Galaxy AI. Their expertise encompasses automatic speech recognition, neural machine translation, and text-to-speech models. This multifaceted team has tackled over 30 languages, seamlessly collaborating with Samsung Research teams across diverse time zones. Their dedication resulted in integrating support for 10 European languages into Galaxy AI.

The secret sauce behind SRPOL’s success lies in their team’s insatiable curiosity and robust suite of tools. Their crowdsourcing platform empowers them with speed and flexibility, while their genuine enjoyment of annotation, data collection, and research fuels their ability to work across various NLP languages.

However, Adam Ros, Head of Artificial Intelligence at SRPOL, acknowledges the inherent challenges of language nuances and variations. Certain expressions lack direct translations, and languages like Spanish present a faster speech tempo compared to others.

Fostering Global Collaboration: A Shared Vision

SRPOL’s role extends beyond the European sphere. It has transformed into a central hub for AI language development across all regions. This interconnectedness facilitated the Jordanian team’s efforts in teaching Galaxy AI the intricacies of Arabic dialects. Similarly, SRPOL’s expertise aided the Brazil team in their work with Latin American languages. This collaborative spirit embodies Samsung’s vision for Galaxy AI – to diminish cultural and language barriers.

Kornel Jankowski, Head of Speech Decoding at SRPOL, emphasizes the significance of intercontinental collaboration. He highlights the team’s tireless pursuit of data collection, annotation, and research, activities they genuinely enjoy. Their extensive experience has fostered a unique “language-agnostic” skillset within the team. Each new language is met with enthusiasm and a thirst for knowledge, solidifying their commitment to continuous learning.

Looking Ahead: A Future of Expanded Language Horizons

With this commitment to fostering a multilingual Galaxy AI, Samsung’s future roadmap likely includes the addition of even more languages. This continuous pursuit of NLP excellence underpins Samsung’s vision for a world where language ceases to be a barrier to communication.

Blight Mojave
Blight is an aspiring Samsung enthusiast and technology aficionado, dedicated to exploring the extraordinary realms facilitated by cutting-edge innovations. He is passionate about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its potential to transform industries, enhance human experiences, and shape a better future. Fascinated by the delicate beauty and he is captivating essence of flowers, finding solace in their presence. He is constantly seeking knowledge and growth, eager to connect with like-minded individuals and build meaningful relationships.