Android 15 Developer Preview 2
Android 15 Developer Preview 2

Android 15: Better fast charging detection and fingerprint recognition

Top 3 Key Points:

  • Android 15 may raise the “fast charging” threshold from 7.5W to 20W, giving Pixel users a clearer picture of charging speeds.
  • The OS might automatically delete malfunctioning fingerprint scans to improve fingerprint scanner reliability.
  • Ultrasonic fingerprint scanners, less prone to errors, are becoming more common.

The world of Android phone charging is a land of contrasts. While manufacturers boast ever-increasing fast-charging speeds, reaching up to a staggering 300W in some cases, the operating system itself lags. Currently, Android identifies anything above 7.5W as “fast charging,” a figure that feels outdated compared to industry advancements.

Here’s what Android 15 might bring to the table:

  • A More Accurate “Fast Charging” Label: Android 15 could raise the bar for “fast charging” detection to 20W. This change would be particularly beneficial for Google Pixel users, whose phones rely on the default AOSP values. With a higher threshold, Pixel users can finally be confident their devices are genuinely fast-charging when they see the notification.
  • Improved Fingerprint Recognition: Fingerprint scanners are a convenient security feature, but their unreliability can be frustrating. Thankfully, Android 15 might introduce a solution. The new OS might be able to detect malfunctioning fingerprint scans and automatically delete them. This would eliminate the need for manual troubleshooting and re-registration, ensuring a smoother unlocking experience.
  • The Rise of Ultrasonic Scanners: Fingerprint scanner technology is also evolving. Traditional optical scanners, susceptible to dirt and moisture, are gradually being replaced by ultrasonic scanners. These innovative sensors use sound waves to create a more precise 3D map of your fingerprint, leading to fewer failed recognitions. As phone manufacturers embrace this technology, fingerprint unlocking should become a more dependable feature.

While the increased “fast charging” threshold might not be a revolutionary change, it offers a much-needed improvement for Pixel users. The automatic deletion of malfunctioning fingerprint scans, on the other hand, has the potential to significantly enhance user experience for everyone. Paired with the growing adoption of ultrasonic scanners, Android phone security looks set to become both more convenient and reliable.

Blight Mojave
Blight is an aspiring Samsung enthusiast and technology aficionado, dedicated to exploring the extraordinary realms facilitated by cutting-edge innovations. He is passionate about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its potential to transform industries, enhance human experiences, and shape a better future. Fascinated by the delicate beauty and he is captivating essence of flowers, finding solace in their presence. He is constantly seeking knowledge and growth, eager to connect with like-minded individuals and build meaningful relationships.