Android 14 lets you swipe to stop alarms with Google Clock

Android 14 lets you swipe to stop alarms with Google Clock

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Android 14 is the newest version of the software the beta version currently available on Pixel phones, and it has some amazing improvements for notifications. And if you are looking for a new way to stop your alarms on your phone, you might check out the latest update from Android 14 and Google Clock.

One of the improvements of Androdi 14 is that you can swipe away any notification, even if it is important or ongoing. This means you can clear your screen more easily. But it also affects how alarms work on your phone.

Alarms are a type of notification that makes a loud sound at a certain time, like when you need to wake up. The Google Clock app lets you set alarms and timers on your phone. In Android 14, the Google Clock app has a new feature that you can swipe away an alarm notification to stop the alarm. This is different from Android 13, where you had to press a button to stop the alarm.

According to the information, this feature only works when your phone is unlocked and the alarm notification is on your screen. If your phone is locked or the alarm notification is not on your screen, you still have to use the old way of stopping the alarm.

If you want to try out this feature, you need to have Android 14 Beta 3 installed on your phone. In addition, you also need to have the latest version of the Google Clock app (v7.5). You can download it from the Google Play Store.

Android 14 Google Clock alarm is a cool feature that makes stopping alarms easier and faster. It is one of the many updates that Android 14 brings to notifications and other aspects of your phone.

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