
Samsung reigns supreme at InfoComm 2024, shattering records with 11 award Wins

Key Points:

  • Samsung sets a new company record by securing 11 awards at InfoComm 2024.
  • Victories highlight excellence in visual technology across various categories.
  • Strategic partnerships with PIRS (Pre-Integrated and Repeatable Solutions) strengthen offerings.

Samsung solidified its position as a leader in digital signage at InfoComm 2024, North America’s premier audiovisual trade show. The South Korean tech giant achieved a monumental feat, shattering its company record by winning an impressive 11 awards. These accolades showcase Samsung’s dedication to pushing the boundaries of visual technology and delivering exceptional solutions for diverse needs.

Samsung SmartThings Pro emerged as a clear standout, garnering multiple awards across prestigious publications like Future Publications and Commercial Integrator. Recognitions included “Best of Show” for Installation, Sound & Video Contractor, and IT Pro categories, along with “Best Digital Signage Software” and “Best Large Scale Control Systems.” These distinctions celebrate the comprehensive capabilities of SmartThings Pro, a platform that empowers users to seamlessly manage and optimize digital signage experiences.

Samsung’s dominance extended beyond SmartThings Pro. The company’s Color E-Paper technology received the “Best of Show” recognition from Future Publications Digital Signage, while the Interactive Whiteboard (WAD series) garnered acclaim for its innovative videoconferencing capabilities, winning awards from both Future Publications Tech & Learning and SCN Installation Product. Additionally, Samsung VXT secured the “Best of Show” title from Future Publications IT Pro, while Samsung Display Configurator was lauded by Commercial Integrator as the “Best Installation Tools & Testers.”

Samsung wasn’t alone in its triumph. The company strategically highlighted its partnerships with PIRS (Pre-Integrated and Repeatable Solutions) providers. These collaborations expand Samsung’s offerings by delivering micro-vertical solutions tailored for specific industries.

Idomoo streamlines video creation, enabling real-time updates for highly customizable signage. Seenspire empowers businesses to create dynamic content with minimal effort, while Stingray enriches VXT with a vast library of high-quality audio and visual assets. VXT Art, through partnerships with renowned institutions, grants access to a world of artistic expression, further enhancing the visual appeal of digital signage.

Wisar Digital bridges the gap between Point-Of-Sale (POS) systems and menu boards, streamlining menu updates and ensuring customers receive the most current information. Samsung’s commitment to fostering a robust ecosystem with PIRS providers underscores the company’s dedication to delivering comprehensive and adaptable solutions for a wide range of digital signage applications.

Samsung’s performance at InfoComm 2024 paints a clear picture: the company remains at the forefront of visual technology innovation. The record-breaking number of awards combined with strategic partnerships solidified Samsung’s position as a leader in the digital signage industry, offering unparalleled solutions for businesses of all sizes and sectors.

Blight Mojave
Blight is an aspiring Samsung enthusiast and technology aficionado, dedicated to exploring the extraordinary realms facilitated by cutting-edge innovations. He is passionate about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its potential to transform industries, enhance human experiences, and shape a better future. Fascinated by the delicate beauty and he is captivating essence of flowers, finding solace in their presence. He is constantly seeking knowledge and growth, eager to connect with like-minded individuals and build meaningful relationships.