Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 Slim
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 Slim

Samsung’s Foldable Future: Thinner design for China, but uncertain availability elsewhere

Key points:

  • Samsung might release a slimmer Galaxy Z Fold 6 variant called W25 in China by October 2024.
  • W25 will likely boast a lighter body, larger display, and no S Pen support.
  • Global availability of the W25 (or a similar Z Fold 6 Slim) remains unclear.

The Galaxy Fold series is about to get interesting. Samsung is reportedly prepping a “Slim” version of its foldable phone, potentially christened the W25, for a possible October 2024 release in China. This news comes with a caveat, however. While the W25 promises a thinner design and potentially a larger display compared to the standard Z Fold 6, its availability outside of China remains shrouded in mystery.

This information surfaces from a reliable source with a track record of accurate leaks on upcoming Galaxy products. The W25 moniker closely resembles the W24, a special edition Galaxy Z Fold 5 exclusive to China with top-tier specs and a luxurious ceramic build. While the W25 is unlikely to see a global release, enthusiasts remain hopeful for a similar phone under the “Galaxy Z Fold 6 Slim” name for other regions.

Specific details about the W25/Z Fold 6 Slim are scarce. However, considering the standard Z Fold 6’s rumored thickness of 12.1mm folded and 5.6mm unfolded, the prospect of an even slimmer powerhouse with a larger display is certainly enticing. This phone, even without S Pen support, could be a serious contender for the best foldable of 2024, potentially surpassing rivals like the OnePlus Open and Google Pixel Fold in terms of screen size and thinness. It might even challenge the Vivo X Fold 3 Pro with its massive display and incredibly thin profile.

The existence of a Galaxy Z Fold 6 Ultra and a more affordable Z Fold 6 FE (Fan Edition) also remains up in the air. With four potential variants in the mix, rumors suggest the W25 and the previously leaked FE model might be the same. However, a reliable source debunks this theory, highlighting that the W25 features a titanium frame – a material expected in the Z Fold 6. This implies a potential Z Fold 6 FE with a more standard aluminum frame, similar to the Z Fold 5.

The fate of the Z Fold 6 Ultra is even more uncertain. If it does exist, it’s likely to boast a top-of-the-line titanium build. However, its release and availability could be limited to specific Asian markets, potentially frustrating fans in other regions.

Only time will tell how Samsung’s foldable strategy unfolds. The W25 in China hints at exciting possibilities for a slimmer Z Fold 6 experience, but global availability and the existence of other rumored variants remain to be seen.

Blight Mojave
Blight is an aspiring Samsung enthusiast and technology aficionado, dedicated to exploring the extraordinary realms facilitated by cutting-edge innovations. He is passionate about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its potential to transform industries, enhance human experiences, and shape a better future. Fascinated by the delicate beauty and he is captivating essence of flowers, finding solace in their presence. He is constantly seeking knowledge and growth, eager to connect with like-minded individuals and build meaningful relationships.