iOS 18
iOS 18

A glimpse of RCS on iOS 18, but functionality delayed

Key Points:

  • RCS Toggle Appears in iOS 18 beta 2: Some beta testers are seeing an option to enable RCS messaging, a feature long-awaited by iPhone users for improved messaging compatibility with Android devices.
  • Limited Functionality for Now: While the toggle exists, the RCS functionality itself isn’t yet active. Carrier updates are needed, and these may not be in place until the final iOS 18 release.
  • Unanswered Questions Remain: Apple’s historical resistance to RCS leaves users wondering how the feature will be implemented and if it will address longstanding compatibility issues.
    RCS Arrives (Partially) in iOS 18 Beta

The news that Apple would finally support Rich Communication Services (RCS) in iOS 18 was met with much anticipation. RCS promises to bridge the messaging gap between iPhones and Android devices, enabling features like improved group chats, read receipts, and richer media sharing. However, for users of the iOS 18 beta 2, the excitement may be tempered by a lack of immediate functionality.

While some beta testers have reported seeing a toggle for RCS messaging in their settings, enabling it doesn’t activate the feature just yet. According to industry reports, Apple needs to collaborate with carriers to update their infrastructure for iOS 18 to fully support RCS. This process appears to be ongoing, and, likely, beta testers won’t be able to experience the functionality before the final release of iOS 18 in September.

Apple’s History with RCS and Lingering Questions

Apple’s previous resistance to RCS has been a source of frustration for iPhone users who communicate with Android users. Security concerns, particularly the lack of end-to-end encryption in some RCS implementations, were cited as reasons for not adopting the standard. However, similar security concerns existed with SMS, leading many to believe Apple’s stance was a way to promote its iMessage service.

The arrival of the RCS toggle in the beta signifies a shift, but the specifics of how it will be implemented remain unclear. Will it seamlessly integrate with existing messaging workflows, or will there be a separate RCS messaging app? These questions, along with the wait for carrier updates, leave users with a taste of what’s to come but without the full course for now.

Blight Mojave
Blight is an aspiring Samsung enthusiast and technology aficionado, dedicated to exploring the extraordinary realms facilitated by cutting-edge innovations. He is passionate about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its potential to transform industries, enhance human experiences, and shape a better future. Fascinated by the delicate beauty and he is captivating essence of flowers, finding solace in their presence. He is constantly seeking knowledge and growth, eager to connect with like-minded individuals and build meaningful relationships.